Milestones of FIP Provision programme

  • 2018: FIP signed the Astana Declaration on behalf of the profession, to ensure pharmacy contributes to the delivery of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by 2030 through its role in Primary Health Care (PHC).
  • 2019: Alongside the approval of the FIP strategy 2019-2024 by the FIP Council, we agreed the three areas we identified for pharmacy to demonstrate impact over the coming years to 2030: namely (but not exclusively) safety, prevention, and non-communicable diseases. There, the Council agreed that FIP will provide a platform to member organisations and partners for provision as a priority and as a direct member benefit.
  • 2020: FIP developed and launched the FIP Development Goals (DGs), aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to 2030.
  • 2021: FIP assigned a Task & Finish Advisory Group to support the development of the FIP seal criteria and launch of the FIP provision through partnerships programme. FIP also launched the FIP handbook for providers of programmes and the FIP handbook for accreditation agencies and launched FIPx: FIP’s online learning platform
  • 2022: The FIP Consortium was established and FIP launched several Knowledge and Skills reference guides in vaccination and non-communicable diseases. In addition, FIP launched an online course on digital health in pharmacy education. The FIP seal is being awarded to professional development programmes and courses provided by members and partners.
  • 2023: FIP launched the Provision microsite and launched the FIP seal online submission portal. We also awarded the first FIP Seal for accreditation agencies.